The snow and ice crunched under Eamon's studded boots as he ascended the rocky path up the mountain that the orb had chosen. He had dismounted some time ago as the path had become more and more treacherous, he now led his horse from the front, the reigns gripped in his hands. As he walked Eamon shivered slightly, he briefly contemplated casting a flame spell to warm himself, and was about ready to when the change in his guide's demeanor and direction drew his attention. Looking up at the orb that had led him this far, the knight was surprised to see that there were more of the guides and that they were all dancing together in the cold mountain air. Eamon slowly returned his gaze to the earth where he saw other travelers, most likely more that had followed their own guides. The more he looked however, the more that those gathered began to stand out to him. He recalled the stories of a wandering skjald that had made it into a small town the knight was staying in years ago, how the entirety of the population listened, enamored by the storyteller's words and tails. Tails of far off countries and lands, of individuals who had achieved their own fame (or infamy as the case may be), by doing the incredible. Truth be told, Eamon didn't know how to feel about these others, to hear a story is one thing, to see it in front of you is something completely different. They had all been led here by a guide though, so that must count for something. Backing up slightly, Eamon unbuckled the bastard sword from the saddle, and strapped it tightly around his waist. He was about ready to speak, to ask what they were all doing here, or just a simple introduction when the smell of smoke touched his nose. The hair on the back of his neck rising Eamon looked out for the source, seeing it in the billowing clouds emanating from a burning town. It took no more than a few moments before Eamon launched himself into action, retrieving his emanating from the other side of the saddle, he left his horse and joined the charge down the slope. He ran with a single mind, his left arm instinctively reaching to his back to retrieve the heater shield that was attached there, as his right balanced the polearm so he was ready to launch into combat at a moments notice.