Kaylah managed to stay with some of the group, Cat, Dog, Chris and Tony were in her sights at the time. She stood several meters away from Cat who by this point seemed to have closed the gap with Tony, she watched him as Cat was now directly behind Tony. Her eyes soon gazed elsewhere, for a moment at Dog and then at Tony before finally looking at her faithful friend Bruiser. Her best friend and guard dog stood right next to her, the dogs leather dog collar had a metal tag on it with her name on it. It made slight noises as it moved side to side and back to fourth like a pendulum. The woman in blue gazed at her dogs filthy coat and long nails, the last event had made her lovely dog dirty though it did not bother her to much though a clean would be ideal at the moment. The mess reminded her of one of her deceased dogs, a energetic and hyper jack-Russel. Karma was his name and he was a blend of brown with elements of white and black, his short far coat and his lovely wet nose. Karma would roll in poo to hide its scent, something Kaylah could not stop completely but could easily sort out. Chris: "They're in there. Just hiding." Her mind soon broke that thought as she soon heard Chris speak up, she soon heard Dog speak up as well. What should they do? The question was how long would they survive without going into the mall. The stripper herself needed to sharpen her weapons blade or at least replace it with a new one. She needed more food for the dog, she only managed to grab two tins from the last place they stayed at. she herself needed more food, the group needed more food and supplies to survive. Hopefully the mall was not ravaged though the only way to find out was to go to the mall itself and so Kaylah soon spoke up about what they should do. [color=00aeef]Kaylah: "I think we should go, I mean it is not like we have enough to survive the week, month or knows how long until we reach another building with supplies in. I am sure there might be a crazy person in there though, there is always one, probably at the gun shop, supermarket, DIY store or something like that. If we take it slow we should be safe, maybe we should be in a team of two to three for better survival odds. Also we need a safe place for the night, I think we could hold a store for our own for the night and gather supplies at the same time."[/color] Her two cents were thrown in and she could not be wrong, supplies must of been low. They could only carry so much and it was not like they had a car or something to carry and cover more ground with. Also it probably did not help her play Dead-Rising before the world went to shit, where psycho's were holed up in as she said a gun shop, supermarket, food court, DIY store, hell even the courtyard. She missed video games, she missed stripping and most of all missed her family and dogs she used to have. Kaylah's breathing was light as she kept thinking about the possible supplies they could get though of course the group needed to everyone else to go along with it. Her dog could easily spot the undead due to the smell they gave off, they were of course beginning to decay if not decayed already to some degree. Bruiser was trained to watch, defend and attack if needed be though the last option was off the table or Bruiser could turn. Her dog soon sat down for a moment and looked up at her owner before finally moving around the group. Bruiser stopped next to Dog first and just sat there for a moment as she looked up at Dog. Eventually she moved next to Cat where she watched him for a moment before finally sitting close to Tony and Chris. In a way it was as if Bruiser was watching out for them the only way a dog could as her noise sniffed for anything off. Kaylah's eyes wondered once more though her eyes watched out for anything that moved or made a sound, the infected good easily sneak up on them, even more so that there were several types of infected out there, who knew what other types existed out there. If the gun store was not under a psycho's ownership she would see if any bullets were laying about for her weapon, though she did not use it often due to how it would draw more infected in the area if they heard it go off. Now she just had to see what the others would say.