General Freedom stood akimbo, surging ZPE swirling around his mighty frame as he searched for the eight-armed witch when a bellows came from above. Looking up, the blue clad hero gaped as the freak known as the Splatterer, leaped off the 22rd floor towards him. This wouldn’t be a good thing for the already battered street. Even at 220 feet, the mass of the freakish creature would accelerate him to 82 miles per, reaching the spot where General Freedom stood in rough 3.78 seconds. The impact would generate roughly 8,789,909.10 joules or less than a ton of TNT. While the street probably could have survived the impact, the already weakened sewer and subway tunnels beneath it had been severely abused in the last few moments. This would be the proverbial straw breaking the camel’s back. [color=00aeef][i]“What the hell? Can’t this freakish minor leaguer understand I don’t wanna play?”[/i][/color] Murmured the hero as he leaped back, trailing a steamer of ZPE. Landing 100 feet away, General Freedom scooped up a chunk of the torn up concrete sidewalk and hurled it at the large, brutish creature. The block, weighing several hundred pounds wouldn’t harm the Splatterer, hell’s bells looking at him, there wasn’t much anyone could do that was worse than what he had undergone already. The most General Freedom could hope for was to divert his fall away from the hole and towards a more stable area. It would be close of course; could he hit the falling man before he impacted the ground? Maybe, maybe not. If not, well the street would probably give way since it had never been designed to withstand such a beating. Steve didn’t really want to fight the ugly thing in the first place. But he would have to fight, if nothing else to get him out of his way so he could focus on Kali. It was always the fucked up god wanna-be’s that gave him problems, not because they were any different than any other villain, but because they had insanely combined powers than made them look like nothing more than a high school kid’s min-maxed D&D character. That and their self-induced delusional genius intellect made them dangerous. The Sphinx was like that. A muscle bound giant of a man with magic and the ability to transform himself into his namesake. Whoo-hoo now he was a nut job, probably give this hot-head a run for his money on the emo front. Back to the events at hand though. The first thing he had to do was make sure that if the street did give way, and it most likely would, is that he had to ensure that the surrounding buildings didn’t collapse because of damage to their foundations. Yeah that would be a really bad thing. There were too many people trapped in the buildings, and as good as he was he wouldn’t be able to save them all. How much time would he have after the impact? Probably not enough.