[center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext121379925606950_zpshefzcr4z.png[/img][/center] Mercy was trailing behind the other five survivors, watching Chris vigilantly check every nook and cranny they passed. She had slid an arrow into her bow though held it down and only half drawn so as not to strain herself or the weapon. The horror of Ash's death hadn't left her yet, she was almost convinced it wasn't going to. Loss was something she was all too familiar with, losing Serena at the beginning had threatened to open her scars but Ash had managed to keep her together. Now that she was gone, Mercy felt like she had no-one left... As if on cue the large piebald horse butted his nose against her arm, causing her inhale sharply and trip over her own feet. She turned to glance at him noting how his ears constantly flickered in different directions as he listened out for anything suspicious and that his nostrils were slightly flared. In truth he hated being at the back like this, almost as much as he hated Cat walking behind him, it made him nervous. [color=lightseagreen]"Easy, we're okay"[/color] She murmured in a soothing tone, watching the gelding chomp at the bit in his mouth, she'd tied his reigns so they sat halfway up his neck less dangerous if he put his head down to chomp at the small clumps of grass that had sprung up like weeds in some places. Bandit seemed satisfied with her reassurance and continued to lightly thud behind her, clearly uncomfortable with the concrete beneath his bare feet. Mercy cast her eyes back to the groups in front of them, they were spread about the side-walk though Chris wasn't with them anymore. The blonde frowned before stepping out between two of the cars and edging into the road to scan the street across from them, Bandit remained on the side-walk one ear focused on her though he had found a small clump of grass to nibble on behind Kaylah. They hadn't encountered anything since they'd stepped into this city, watching Chris move over to inspect the front of the mall the blonde felt a sense of unease settle within her. She wasn't even sure what she was doing here...it would have made more sense for her and Bandit to stay in the countryside in some ways, not so much in others. As Chris re-joined the group, Mercy hesitantly moved back towards the group, to stand just to the edge of the side walk the others occupied so she could listen in on their conversation notably keeping as much distance between herself and Cat as possible. [color=lightseagreen]"We can't afford not to go in there...whether there's a crazy person or not"[/color] She piped up adding in her opinion. [color=lightseagreen]"This place is so empty there may even be more survivors holed up around here, keeping an eye out for any might be a plan"[/color] She mused lifting her shoulders in a shrugging motion before murmuring [color=lightseagreen]"Splitting up would speed things up but we'd still be vulnerable, if we were to split up we'd do better to decide a rendezvous point and a time estimation"[/color] her eyes flicked up to the sky above them, trying to judge by the suns position what sort of time it was now.