Amy watched silently as events escalated in the server room. She made sure to stay clear of everyone's way, but she felt like pulling her sidearm and bellowing for those fighting to leave. The thought of using her Deck to call the Administrative head down to get everyone out echoed in her head, but the thought disappeared as some of the worse of the idiots in the room left. The assistant N-N poked his head in to see what had happened, but quickly disappeared. "[i]Tawha eth kafuc didi yathe od ot eth raserve?[/i]" She mumbled to herself, before shaking her head. "While authority is here, I need to ask in the next staff meeting that the [i]damn fucking keycard security be updated[/i]! Only the networkers and higher rankers are supposed to have access into here." Amy shook her head. "And by the way, the servers are still up. While the servers being down would help them cool, they need to be up or we'll have a mob at our door [i]again[/i]." She tapped on her Deck, which was beeping with every message she got. "You know what, this is it." With a groan, she rapidly typed out a message and sent it out on the shipwide network. [i] All users, priority Network usage is now on [u]Restricted[/u] level. Only ranks Lieutenant+ and bridge crew (along with Neural Networks (standard protocol, nothing special)) are able to message. Thanks to the overflux, the server is overheated. Thank you for your cooperation Amy Skydawner Neural Networks Manager [/i] Amy sighed, looking back up and watching Mason along with the others, looking flustered.