"It's an admirable cause Titus, I'm not questioning that, it's more of whether it's practical. I'll be blunt... I want to do good here, but I'm not ready to so blindly throw my life away. I've got something outside of this game as well as within it, and while I'm willing to try and better the situation don't think I'll so casually put my own life aside." Death was of course ever looming, their status as Clearers basically came with that stipulation. It wasn't that Yato so much feared death, as he'd become desensitized to a degree since this all started, but he still wasn't quite embracing it with open arms. Mayhaps he was questioning whether he truly wanted to fight other players or not; they had run into PKers and the like before, but it had always been their policy to, in essence, intimidate and move on, not really fight. Asking Cress and Asari to change that mindset and actually, potentially, take the life of another player could be difficult. Glancing at Titus' hand he smiled slightly, forgetting that his friend was an American. His mannerisms were... Unique, in a way, as handshaking wasn't something Yato so regularly did. Nonetheless he took his friend's hand, giving it a shake and bowing slightly in the process. "At the very least you'll have our support, but for now just be patient and give us time to discuss this. We'll be quick as we can in regards to reaching a decision," he explained, standing upright before giving a roll of his eyes, "Of course... Considering Cress' current state it might be a while yet until I can really ask him anything." Trying to speak to Cress now would be just about comparable to trying to have a conversation with a toddler... Scratch that, the toddler would at least be lucid. [hr] Suto didn't have the faintest clue of how alcohol worked in Sword Art Online, he could only venture a guess. In reality if someone was drunk it was a good idea to make them eat something, help absorb the liquor, so shouldn't the same hold true here? It made sense to him, but who would have thought his theory would be debunked by a drunken Yari. Feeling his cheeks flush slightly in embarrassment he looked at his friend, folding his arms and letting out a sigh. "Well... Okay, but you should slow down on drinking then, at the very least. What am I going to tell the others when we get back?" Fitch would probably be livid he'd allowed Yari to get drunk, albeit she was sort of that way when she'd come stumbling over to join them already. Hearing his friend make a very delayed, and very drunk realization Suto couldn't contain himself, letting out a slight groan as he smacked his own face with the palm of his hand in disbelief; he needed to get Yari back before long, otherwise things were going to become a real handful. As if things weren't troublesome enough now some jerk was flirting with her too, hooray! "No one's girlfriend, hm? Well then that means you're still available," Doku replied, smirking as he kissed Yari's hand. She was quite clearly drunk, in an amusing way too, which served only to make her easier to get at. Ignoring the glare that Suto was sending his way the older boy let Yari dig into her meal for a moment, getting his own a moment later and taking his place at her side. "So... Yari, was it? Would you be kind enough to grace me with your beauty? I'd love to have someone to eat my meal with." Something about that must have offended the other boy because he now stood before the pair of them, looking rather bothered and being slightly red in the face. Smiling amused Doku raised an eyebrow, placing an arm around Yari's shoulders. "What is it? I'm simply asking your endearing friend here if she'd join me for lunch, nothing more." Suto really did not like this guy already, which was a feat considering he was normally a friendly guy. If someone was willing to hit on your friend when she was drunk though there was no way he could be a good person, it was just too sleazy. Narrowing his eyes as Doku put his arm around Yari's shoulders he gritted his teeth, annoyed that he couldn't exactly sock the guy in the jaw for what he was doing. "You can ask without kissing her and touching her, creep. Besides, we've got places to go anyways after this, she can't be running around with someone, so let's go Yari." Reaching out he tried to take her free hand, hoping to pull her away from Doku. Even if she and Fitch weren't technically a thing at the moment they needed to make sure nothing weird happened; if Yari got her memory back and was with someone else then things were going to be grossly complicated. "Come on Yari, we need to go."