Quickly being brought back to reality by a supersoldier grabbing his just put back in place shoulder as if he there was no problem with that. He hissed in pain a sharp breath as he clenched his teeth and eyes once more. "Fuck." he let out as an angry whisper. Kal began talking to him, she was one of the few people who knew his true job on the ship and DIDN'T buy anything off of him. It was surprising, but what could someone with one of the few things he couldn't get his hands on want from him? Nanomachines were not something the union let slip out of their hands and into people like his. He heard his orders and expected to go check some rooms but noticed a cart full of... Candy bars? "Um. Why are there so many candy bars? Shit hurt before, I don't need the bone turning into dust." He put his hand on hers, not even trying to pull it away. "Am I pushing this cart?" He wanted to yell about her grabbing his freshly relocated and still very much in pain shoulder but he had to focus on playing off getting caught looking at the pain pills and various other drugs. "And doc, just give me the strongest stuff you got, put it infront of my door in a box DISCREETLY. There's a small panel at the bottom right, just needs a kick and it'll open. Hide it in there, if it's not empty, don't read any labels." Malory hopped off of the table. He couldn't remember if he had taken the few bottles of a paralyzing neurotoxin he was bringing to a buyer in union territory only produced by animals on the planet they just left. Shit paralyzed you for up to three days, very VERY illegal, but very valuable as well. Let's hope he put it somewhere safer.