After a summer rain, the wind was strong enough to carry the smell of wet dirt in the ground up to the highest residences of Yendakhor'ghi, literally meaning The Tree of Knowledge in the ancient language of the sentient Owls around the world, at the very top of the tree, Allectus stood on his favourite branch inhaling the smell that came from the ground, calm and patient was the old Owl, his eyes and wings closed, he felt what was to come, a challenger. "You know the orders right?" Asked a big Owl general towards a smaller soldier, which replied "Indeed, once the man approaches, activate the trap and lock him inside... I just wonder if it will work, if he is a challenger, why would Allectus want to eliminate him before the battle?", the general then explained to the soldier: "Allectus is wise, he knows more than us, and while he often explains his actions beforehand, this time he looks different, only wanting to concentrate his strategies on the challenger, I also wonder what he's up to"