"Alysis, are you coming with us, you being here is putting all the others at risk." Nicola said looking towards her brother and the others. "I guess I'll open a door." William sighing said before walking out of chapel, past Gabby to the nearest viable door, as Saver's ability prevented magecraft within it, shutting it and drawing magical symbols over it as his Arcana Alumni card glowed. "But know once you leave her and your magecraft returns, your doppelgangers will find you and my protection over you is left behind. At the cost of one command seal I can be summoned in battle to pass my judgement. Travel well and may the Lord bless you. ------- Shoshin rolled her eyes and opened the door, the arrid air of the Isis Quad blew through and she quickly walked through, the less people that saw them enter the Public quad, the less people could say they broke into the Sand Gate. "Come on guys." She said turning back. She could feel her sword pulse, it was hungry.