[color=#8B8970][b]CVS Pharmacy, Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, Georgia United States of America[/b][/color] "Yeah, let's go to the Pharmacy" Tori said to Ben before stepping outside. Tori stood outside of the market she and Ben had just raided. Their haul was good enough but what they really need was food with high caloric value, a focus on carbs, and protein. And, unless they were raising cows or sheep in the middle of Atlanta, then finding food with a high protein count would be next to impossible. If the pharmacy Ben had told Tori about had a protein powder of suppliment of some kind they would have to take it. Their assorted canned foods certainly wouldn't provide them enough protein on their own and the pair would need that protein for muscle growth. Tori hardly noticed the rain pattering on the streets as a scream echoed through the city. One would be surprised how far sound travels in the New World, especially sounds such as screams. Tori slinked into the shadows as runner passed by the intersection of Forsyth and Marietta streets. It had obviously heard the scream and was running to find the source. She knew more would come to investigate the scream, though the walkers would be more likely to just shamble through the street hoping to find the source. The runners would be an issue for the pair for they seem to be smarter and would eventually come through the street looking for the source. Tori motioned for Ben to follow her as the quickly ran across the street to the other side and hugged the wall until they reache the Forsyth and Marietta intersection. Tori looked down Forsyth and saw about five walkers and three runners wandering down the road. The runners had apparently stopped there and were looking about for the source of the screamer. The walkers were just looking for prey and could have cared less for the scream as it had seem. The pack of infected sat about a hundred or so feet from Tori and Ben's destination which meant they would either have to be very careful or lead them away with a loud enough noise. Tori decided to opt for making a loud noise so she approached and Ben approached the pack just close enough that they were within two hundreed feet of them. She handed Ben a chunk of broken concrete that had been in the street and signled for him to chuck it as hard as possible. The rock glided over the road to slam into the chain link fence on the other side of the road. The pack turned their attention towards the distraction while Tori and Ben quickly sneaked behind them as they slammed the fencing. The pair succsessfully made it into the pharmacy but they would have to be quick. It wouldn't be long before the runners decided to investigate elsewhere to determine where the rock had come from. But Tori didn't have time to think about the infected so she and Ben quickly spread through out the pharmacy looking for supplies. The whole place seemed to have been looted long before they got there. What was left behind were torn open packets of supplies and some blood trails. It was obvious that most people who had been bitten had first thought to go to a Pharmacy to patch themselves up only to end up infecting others. The only things Tori could find was a pack of gauze wrap and a box of gloves. While walking through the aisles Tori came across the feminine care aisle which meant the most important thing Tori had been looking for, tampons. Tori had packed some for the trip there but she didn't have enough to last more than a week or so. Plus, if push came to shove they could be used to absorb the blood from a cut. She grabbed two packs of fifty off the shelf which had mostly been ignored by the looters who were more looking for medical supplies not tampons. "Here, catch." Tori called to Ben who was an aisle over as she threw the packs at him. Ben fumbled with the tampons like an awkward teenager before stuffing them in his back pack. Tori stuffed the gloves and gauze wrap in her bag as well and had finished zipping it back up with a loud clattering was heard from the front of the store. Standing in the door way was a runner who had stumbled through the push-to-open doors and was looking about, almost as if he was sniffing for a scent. Ben had seen the runner as well and ducked down into a crouch and moved into the same aisle as Tori was in. "Shit, I didn't think they would get in here this quickly. The only way we can get out of here is through the back door over there," Tori said as she pointed at a door three aisles down, "which should lead to the alley we passed on our way here." She walked quickly to the door and opened it only for the door to slam into a trash can which had been placed in front of the door. The loud echo of the crash flew through the store and the runner instantly started to haul towards Ben and Tori as the pair ran out the door. The alley way was a dead end if the pair had turned around and at the other end was Forsyth Street where more infected would be waiting for them. "Fucking hell Ben. Best prepare for a battle cause we are going to have to fight if we want to get out of here alive." Tori said as she took the tire iron off of its position on her backpack and slid it through the door handle they had just come through. It would hold long enough that the pair would probably only have to deal with the two runners on the street if they were lucky but luck didn't seem to be on their side as more rain started to pour down on them.