[h1]Tomorrow (Sunday)[/h1] [h2]Shirai Kuroko[/h2] Despite the lack of school due to the time of day, Tokiwadai's inexplicably strict clothing requirements--much the same as they had over the summer--meant not being able to wear anything other than the uniform itself. Though sometimes grateful because it stopped her onee-sama from wearing any of the embarrassing things that she would otherwise be bound to pick, an inability to dress nicely for Misaka was rather frustrating... Today, with the weather being unusually nice for the season, they had ended up once again in the plaza, buying crepes from what had to be one of the most relentlessly optimistic businessmen in the city, though perhaps he had branched out into selling food more suited for the current weather than sweets. Not something that Kuroko knew for certain... after an incident, onee-sama had been rather 'insistent' that she be nowhere near the purchase. Which meant that, with Mikoto being the one buying, she was currently sat close to the road on her own.