Here is mk2. I expanded on the powers. Name*:Jason void Photo:[IMG][/IMG] Age:21 Gender*:male Abilities*:able to shift between shadow realm and material realm for a maximum of 30 minutes when fully rest and using it is taxing on his body. While in the shadow realm, he moves faster than those on the material realm. He can see his enemies but cannot harm them. His enemies can't see or harm him while he is in the shadow realm. His sword (shown in the image) is harmful to those who have a soul as the tip is made out a special crystal that feeds and grows stronger on souls. Jason keeps his sword in the shadow realm and can call for whenever he needs to. He knows some basic spells like a light spell and a force shield. How you could work in a team:melee DPS, distration , stealth Personality (You can keep it short if you wish)*:Jason is cold-hearted and does not talk much. If he does, it is either a rude comment or if you are on his good side and an ally, ways to beat the enemies. If one does get close to Jason, he is a loyal and honest companion. History:TBR in ic Other: