The forum disbanded on a high note. Just before the rising ire of the crowd reached a boiling point, the organizer calmed everyone down and focused on other avenues of discussion. In the end, the forum came to several conclusions. Raider attacks have skyrocketed, though they appeared to be traveling in smaller patrols. The ammo and medical suppliers are suffering from an extreme lack of supply, but are doing much better business. Local wildlife are turning up dead in droves-- someone's been shooting them with lasers and didn't bother to drag them back to town. Towns under Enclave control experienced marked increases in productivity and quality of living, but people often "disappeared" by the dozen and visitors were driven away by gunfire. There was a community a good ways away, apparently made up of vault dwellers, that appeared well-defended but only offered their technology for exorbitant prices, if at all. As the assorted people of the crowd disassembled and began making their way back home, they came back changed. Most of them, the big movers and shakers of the community, now realized what dangers the Vault Dweller posed, and how his actions, though altruistic, caused severe damage to the surrounding community. However, they wouldn't be so foolish as to attack him in the streets. After all, he routinely butchered dozens of raiders and petty criminals... what would he do to people who dared to bring up their concerns with him? Albus Secundus was one of the last council members out. He wasn't vital to the community, but he held an unusual charisma. He was so good with using fancy Latin words, and he seemed to know so much about history and society! As Albus left the basement they were staying in, he came upon Samuel Carter, eagerly ploying his sword-arm for justice. Albus, not being one to discourage a prime opportunity, caught Samuel's attention. "If you are looking for a... quest, I may need your help. There is a man around town who is actively riling up the local wildlife and raiders, in his attempts to eliminate them. From what I've heard, he seems to have good intentions, but his actions are endangering the community. I've heard he's even shooting at Enclave patrols and hiding out here-- actively inviting the obliteration of this community! I need your help to talk to this Vault Dweller, and hopefully put some sense into him. If he doesn't relent, I fear we'll be forced to put him down. Now, what we need to do is [i]find[/i] him." A strapping young man, the son of a well-known farmer, tapped Albus on the shoulder. "If you're looking for the Vault Dweller, you'll probably find him at the Radiation Roost. I think he's got friends there, so if things actually do get violent, you'll need to be ready for a fight." Albus gave the young man a worried look. "I don't want to [i]kill[/i] the boy. I just want to talk to him. Convince him that this course of action will do nothing but end in innocent lives lost." He turned to look at Samuel. "We've got our location. Let's get moving before the Vault Dweller makes another move and invites further hell into the wasteland."