''Yes, just arrived actually.. Ehm, I am wondering, what is the name of the girl that you brought in here? You seem to be concerned which of course is normal when a pack member is wounded but something is telling me that you don't know much about her status'' she said and laid a hand on his shoulder. She had noticed the smell of silver and looked at the door he had looked at, she didn't know what to think but she was now more concerned about the man she was talking with. ''Your alpha asked me if I wanted to join, I would totally love too and I bet there is a try out trial which I totally would love to start with from now on'' she said and sat down, she tapped on the chair next to her. ''I am a regular member'' she said so for any other it would sound like they are talking about some group event or something. She smiled at Kalib and then looked up at the Alpha again.