Amy gave a salute to the commander, saying a simple "Yes ma'am. Can do," before tapping on her deck, selecting all of the department heads (including the commander before her). Normally, an administrator would send out a message like this, however, with the network set to be restricted, Amy could understand why the commander wanted her to type it. That, or it was just pure laziness, as she could type out a message herself if she wanted. Creating a new message and marking it as high priority, she began typing. [i] All department heads, priority Commander Mason is calling a meeting in the meeting room, now. All department heads are to head to the meeting room as soon as possible. Regards Amy Skydawner Neural Networks Manager PS: You may wish to hurry. Commander Mason will probably not appreciate people being late, as she has been very busy today. [/i] Amy hit send, before looking back at the mail, her eyes resting on the words 'Amy Skydawner'. She always felt a little funny using the human translation of her name. Back in Yasanctuar's navy, she would usually write: [i] Daregars Yam Yaskradawne Laneura Kanetwors Ramanage [/i] Looking up at commander Mason, she spoke. "Ma'am, the message has been sent. Orders?"