[hider=CS] Xander ChanceName: Xander Chance Age: 18 Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 6ft1 Weight: 62kg Appearence [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/64064208/large.jpg[/img] Personality: Xander is a guy that likes to keep to himself, due to people saying he talked to much and preached a lot. He wears his heart on sleeve which is quite the bad thing in his opinion, he can't watch a harmless person be killed. He is quite confident and loves competitions it fuels his fire to be the best, helps him try harder. His bad personality traits is that he is stubborn, he doesn't like being offered help, and doesn't like expressing his problems. Wants to be original, he has that sort of hipster personality where if he finds a trend its his and if so many others jump on it he will instantly say its shit. He takes things to heart a lot, making him overthink and causing him to do stupid rash things to prove himself. Skills and Powers: -Teleportation (Far and short)- His teleportation skill is govern by his Stamina, basically lets say he encounters a hostile if he sprints like full burst for like awhile and is out of breath he won't be able to teleport as far or maybe not at all as teleportation makes him feel like he's running for a long time so he can't do it continuously, plus he has only had this ability for a year he needs to train it more. -X-Ray Vision- His X-Ray vision is his easier choice his pupils go white until they can't be seen, this shows that he is fully adjusted and can see completely everything in X-rays. Its govern on his concentration skills, if he loses concentration completely he is knocked out of it completly, he prefers being still while using it. -Good Kendo Skills- Guy knows Kendo and is good, being doing it for 2 years. -Quite High perception- Being in the world alot has heighten his senses a little, due to him always being on edge. -Quite stealthy- He is quite stealthy in lighter gear, not completely but with aid of wearing black and constantly trying to avoid fights he is quite the shadow. Bio: Xander Chance originally raised in the UK moved to Japan 2 years ago and has lived comfortably since then. His day time life consists of work, working in storage for a super market. Before he moved to Japan he used to read alot of manga and watch alot of anime, when he moved to Japan he started Kendo classes and track racing. The experience of Crimson Sky or "Chaser life" as he calls it was 1 year ago, when he was still in school he and small group of friends experienced it, one night walking home from arcade they crossed. There was a strange atmosphere, eerie as hell but at the same time breathtaking, creatures walked past them casually minding their own business, non hostile what so ever. The group on the inside were scared but at the same time amazed, they had managed to exit the world safe luckily only seeing a what was a mere taste of the "Chaser life". A month later is was settled, they would go back again and obtain more information about the place, they made a social chat on a website where they could get in contact with each other and keep what they saw a secret, they called themselves couriers, and every 2 weeks one of them would journey into the world and grasp as much information as possible. The group still carries on til this day, however one member went missing, they didn't know if he was killed or if he just dropped out, they have been searching for months for this one person now aware of the dangers of world, when coming across the hostile creatures. Not only did they learn certain locations and creatures of the world, but they also learnt of their hidden abilities. Xander having 2 abilities, his main ability being able to teleport far and short distances, his secondary being X-Ray vision. His nicknamed the scout because of his abilities even though he can hold his own in basic combat. He has not come across any other Chasers apart from his group, however he is convinced people like him are out there, he just hopes that they are on his side and not other way round. Equipment: Basic Katana (He stole from his Kendo class) [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/041/5/2/katana_fitting_by_b0r-df16mp.jpg[/img] Other: Very alternative even though he doesn't look it, huge fan of the brutals (pig squeeling bands)[/hider]