[b][i]Zephyr[/i][/b] Zephyr raised an eyebrow at Nodah in approval. Even though he talked in a manner that was nearly a century old, he had a relaxed and chill demeanour, taking Zephyr's comment lightly. The demon decided there that Nodah could be added to the list of humans he considered friends.[i] "I'm definitely not going to complain if you want to treat me like royalty,"[/i] he grinned, leaning back. Looking over at the nocturne and pixie, Zephyr snickered at the Daichi's reaction to Zensei's sudden adoration for him, and burst into laughter at the pixie's equally hilarious response. [i]"Yeah, good night Mr. Just-A-Friend,"[/i] He smirked. He got ready for bed in half a minute, buried himself under the amazingly soft covers, and went to sleep. Zephyr was the first to wake up in his room the next morning, as he never slept that well or deeply anyway. He had quite the escapades in the bathroom, alarmed by the mists in the shower, the lack of a towel, and the weird particles that instead did the drying for him. [i]"There [b]is [/b]such a thing as too much magic,"[/i] He grumbled to himself as fabrics materialized on his figure. Looking down, he found himself in an all white ensemble of a plain tshirt, a hoodie that hid his reptilian arm, jeans and combat boots. He grinned at the boots, pleased. He'd never been able to find shoes like that in white, which everyone said was impractical. Somehow though, Zephyr never looked less than immaculate. He picked up his necklace from next to the sink and put it on, then hearing Yayo Fiji's voice, making an announcement about morning arrangements. Ready, he walked back into the room. Everyone else was still fast asleep. He briefly considered waking them all up, but then decided against it, instead heading to the dining hall. He followed the lead of other students, going up to one of the machines to the side. He touched his necklace to the screen, and could have kept for joy as piles of bacon, omelettes, and sausages were heaped on a plate. A cup of coffee appeared as well, black and steaming, the way he liked it. He looked round for a place to sit, before catching sight of what he knew without a doubt was a demon, sitting at a floating table in the corner and ravenously eating. He approached the table and sat opposite her. He didn't say anything for a while, until, beside himself with curiosity, he asked, "What's your name?"