As Ghirn gave his parting warning Telmeck listened closely. He hadn't really thought about it before but what Ghirn said was true, they weren't just representing their own nations, they were representing the Assembly as a whole. Their actions could have positive or negative after affects across the entire galaxy. It was a rather stressful thought, he was used to covert ops where his discovery could have a negative impact on Rothian society, but never an impact on a scale such as this after all he was no Datius. While stressful the idea of being entrusted like this was rather exciting he was certainly proud to be apart of such an operation. As Ghirn left and the others all took their seat Telmeck remained standing, "If I am not mistaken human food is very "diverse" so to speak. They have a rather wide dietary range being omnivores, so you should expect to see everything ranging from meats to plants and anything in between. As for how similar it is to masulu food I am not so certain, if I am not mistaken fish is a rather large part of the Masulu diet is it now? If so I do know that fish is also a rather popular food on Earth as well so you guys should see some similarities. Now I am no expert on Human or Masulu cuisine, I am just telling you what I have heard from Human friends of mine." He said trying to be as helpful as he could on the topic. As he finished talking he couldn't help but realize just how hungry he was, he hadn't eaten breakfast and this talk of cuisine was only helping to make him even more hungry. "Now I don't know about the rest of you, but talking about human and masulu cuisine is making me hungry. How about we go get a bite to eat? Seems we've got some time to kill before we're space bound again and I'd like to be able to get a nice on world meal before it's back to eating "space food"." Telmeck inquired as he dropped his hand down to his stomach.