[b]Plain[/b] [i]Church on the Hill, Interior[/i][hr]And so, the two of them went. They walked the streets of the cold, Russian city, hopefully safe from the watchful eyes of their enemies. With Lancer escorting her, Plain felt nothing but safe as she made her way quietly and delicately across down, on her way to the Church on the Hill. Once she arrived, she faced in turn to each of the other [i](humans)[/i] present, bowing respectfully and giving pleasant greetings to the men and woman of the Church present. She sat, dutifully, and listened carefully to the speech of the man who was to supervise the ritual. He outlined the rules, and laws which they would have to bow to, and she committed to heart each and every one. As was her duty. However, she spoke little more than she had when she first arrived, and when the speech was ended, she said her goodbyes and gracious words to the priests there before taking her leave as was expected. With the same slight, deliberate pace as before, she makes for the exit to the Church, and for the cold, bloody future that lay behind it. [hr][b]Archer[/b][hr]The red-clad girl gives a slight, amused snort at her Master's response, but nonetheless replies with, "Whatever you say." At Marie's instruction, Archer dematerializes and and waits patiently for her Master to conclude her business. As soon as the sound of voices ceased, she made to meet with her Master as her and her companions departed. While she had intended to ask first, she quickly receives her Master's orders and nods confidently once they conclude. "Affirmative. I will head out immediately." So, with a parting glance to meet with her Master's eyes, Archer departs. She quickly relocates to the exterior of the Church, leaping to the top of the nearby belfry. She sets her eyes, capable of seeing across vast distances, to the land surrounding the Church. They were on a hill, it seemed, and their vantage point was certainly better than many, although hardly the best in the city. ... For several moments, Archer simply takes in her surroundings, checking routes away from the Church, hiding places, places from which an ambush could be launched. Then, she leaps, headed further into the surrounding city, searching for a better vantage point, searching for her enemies, and examining the locale that will serve as their battlefield. Spotting one of the few tall structures in the city, she judges it's as good a place as any to start. So, she heads there.