The hit from Kal was a lot more gentle than anticipated. As gentle as a supersoldier could make it, Malory though to himself. "Who's bitchy in this case? With you that could mean anybody." He inquired his superior. Something was up, and if Kal was the person that got the message it was something important since very few have the ability to send her somewhere and one of those people were missing. He laid into the cart with all his weight and barely got it moving with just his one good arm. "Jesus christ, how much does this weigh?" He had to use a lot more strength than he thought, but once it was moving it was fine. And here was Kal wheeling it in like it was a wagon of girl scout cookies. "Man, I need to get some of those nanomachines. I'd love to be 6'5, 6'6. Make someone who's not me pull around candy bars. Maybe even hold some of the guns I've seen without having to prop them up on anything." He began to drift off of from pushing the cart, slowing a bit despite being told to do the job ASAP. "How much do you think your body is worth with all those nanomachines running through it? I bet you're the most expensive person I know. No lie." He looked up at her with a chuckle and a smile. She stood a good half foot taller than him and could probably kill him in a second, but to him these were words of compliment. The average person's body didn't come close to being as valuable as her's.