Kiera was aware of the events unfolding on board ship, however she was simply in no position to do anything about them and therefore elected to maintain an aura of general ignorance. Something that she was especially good at. People had a habit of seeing her as some slow, almost dim-witted creature that was oblivious to what was going on around her. The majority of the time she was happy to maintain this image. It helped immeasurably in her line of work. At the moment she had secluded herself to the ship canteen, much to the consternation of the ships cook and was mixing a bowl of what looked like cake dough. On the other side of the serving window a few crewmen looked on in horror, fearful that she was going to make them taste it. Kiera for her part was happy that some of the crew seemed so eager to try her latest creation, humming a beautiful tune as she stirred the sweet tasting doughy mixture. In the corner of the kitchen the ships cook sighed and shook his head, unable to do anything to save the next crewman that caught Kiera’s attention. Luckily the number of victims would be limited, with word of Kiera cooking spreading through the ship like wild fire that resulted in hungry crewmen and officers alike to gain superhuman endurance in an effort to avoid the kitchen. Though at least it kept costs down. After all, when Kiera was cooking men realized just how tasty military rations truly were. She stopped stirring for a moment and put her finger into the dough and sampled the mixture. She nodded in satisfaction and continued starring. This alarmed the cook as the better it seemed to taste to Kiera the worse it always seemed to be for everyone else. Luckily for all concerned a buzzing noise inside of Kiera’s coat caught her attention, causing her to put down the bowl and pull out a device that with a flick of her finger lit up the air in front of her with all kinds of data, displayed as an interactive holographic matrix. In the top corner of the screen a notification in the shape of a letter was bouncing up and down urgently. From Amy Skydawner, courtesy of Commander Mason. Sounded important. She should probably attend. It was a shame that the cake would not be ready in time. Everyone would be so disappointed.