[center][b]Jet Li[/b] [i]Church on the Hill, Interior[/i][/center] [hr] Jet Li had listened to the meeting accordingly, transmitting all information perceived to Carly-Beth as he did so. The information was of no personal interest to him, on account of its nature, so he had no personal stake to be gleaned. However, he could not leave immediately after the "meeting". This was because he was currently being screamed at by his Master, who had looked through his eyes and demanded something of him. Under the thrall of that homunculus, he was helpless to resist, and so he acted in accordance with her orders. Running over to the doll that had attended this meeting, a being not borne of blood but of something Other, he reached her before she had reached the exit of the Church, and spoke. "I have been told to inform you that you are cute."