Virginia left the training room. She went to her room and fell asleep in her armor. She only awoke to the sound of someone knocking at her door. The nameless face wanted her to proceed to the medical facility for her implantation. "So they decided I needed to increase my cup size then." The nameless face didn't know how to respond, he started to stammer. "Well lead the way boy, I don't have all day." The still confused nameless face lead the way. At the medical facility she didn't listen to what they had to say, they were going on and on about this and that. "Just shut up and give me the damn forms to sign already." They extended the clipboard with the forms, she yanked it out of the doctor or nurse's hand. She signed it and tossed it over her head. She began to strip her armor right there. She made several of the medical personnel uncomfortable since she had nothing on underneath. She laid down on the table. They gave her the drugs to knock her out and proceeded with the implantation. She woke up later in a bed, her head itched where they sliced her open. She knew from experience that scratching the area was a bad idea. She then felt a presence in the room. "Come out A.I." The A.I. started to explain a bunch of stuff. "Yeah, I don't care. Run the special equipment and that's it. If I need your advice or input I will ask for it. Don't count on me ever asking though. Also don't plan on trying to betray me, I'll make sure you don't survive." There was a knock on the door. She got up, she was wearing some kind of hospital gown. "Ugh!" She removed it. She went to the door and opened it all the way. "Yes?" The same nameless face from before, he went bug eyed. He managed to stammer out that her armor was returned to her room. The A.I. couldn't help herself it started to giggle hysterically at the man's obvious arousal and discomfort with seeing Virginia like this. "Thank you, how kind of you to return it. How long do I have to stay here in this recovery room?" He stammered out a time. "Good not much longer then." She shut the door in his face. "Act professional A.I. I can't have you giggling like an immature school girl."