[quote=@MelonHead] So you should have to prep shooting your pistol, or firing your bow, or swinging your sword? You can't limit someone's primary attack just because it's magic. [/quote] No, but those are classified, in my opinion as physical attacks, such as a punch - though you can make a case for them being 'prepped' when you aim, notch, or draw back for a swing. As I said, it's [b]my[/b] interpretation of T1, and how [b]I've[/b] always worked it, barring one or two cases(Such as Kei'taro vs Aeryn; but he started it, damn it!). I'm not saying YOU have to operate that way, as we've quite clearly established nearly everything going into a match is up for negotiation. I'm saying that's how I've always done it, and how I'll continue to do it.