Kalib didn't take the seat, looking grim about the happenings of the day and uncertain about this new wolf in the pack. "Her name's Anton, and she'll be fine." He said, curter than he wanted. "It's nice to meet you, Vanessa. Welcome to the group." It's not that he had anything against her but it did make him a little confused. From the blood guy in the bar and the thing with Fay, he wasn't really up for making friends at the moment. He didn't mean anything by being rude. "I just. . . Give me a moment." He strode over to Carlson and began to inform him of what he found in a whispered voice. "Boss, there are hunters here; in room 105. What should we do? Anton's still in surgery with the doctors and we can't just sit here." The anxiety in his voice did nothing to make Kalib feel better. He felt his worry almost turning into panic. It was just a very bad night.