[@Spriggs27] The sad eyes never fail, hehehe... Anyway, if you change it wouldn't be you anymore, would it? [hr] BTW, I got a suggestion for the Café's [url=https://youtu.be/Kuav0j2wVPc?list=PLMWoTSkDnGGdqGgdPYqfMx-lMZ3gDFXYd]OST[/url]: Now we just need a catgirl, or two, or more... to make it perfect. BTW 2, I found a surprisingly efficient tool to write my posts offline before placing them here ('cause you all must know how much it sucks when the server has a problem right after you finished writing a big detailed post that you can't possibly reproduce from memory alone ever again. It's [url=https://notepad-plus-plus.org/]Notepad++[/url], it's so good that it almost makes you lazy, you guys should seriously try it.