[b][u]Reas Grimorea[/u][/b] Reas watched as the other roommates entered one after another and began to take the beds in the loft-like room. From what he could see there was a Pixie, another Human, a demon, and a Nocturn all of which seemed fairly nice at first glance though the demon named Zephyr was a bit more intimidating since he was about 2ft taller than Reas as well as him having scales covering one arm adding to the rough visage. Reas sat cross-legged on his bed with his skates next to him in the process of removing the off-road style wheels from them and putting in the smoother track wheels that would help keep the wheels from getting caught in the carpet. As he did this he listened in on what was happening with the others but was caught off guard by the Pixie's audacity after apparently offering a reward to the nocturn who was practically glowing with energy most likely from it being night time. The ribbons of fire around Reas flickered in and out of existence as his eyes became heavy and he started to slow down until he heard a voice directed towards him, [color=00aeef]"Quite the fire hazard, no?"[/color] Nodah the other human said before he leaned back. [color=9e0b0f]"Huh, oh yeah i guess i should keep away from wooded areas shouldn't I?" [/color] Reas said before he sat leaned back into the almost cloud-soft bed holding his off-road wheels close to his chest listening to the low almost silent hum of the magic drive inside the wheels themselves. Sleep came easily to Reas as the day had drained him of most of his energy. [b][u]Next day[/u][/b] Reas awoke with a small yawn and looked at the clock, noticing it only said 6:30 AM Reas got up and put his skates on his bed before walking down the stairs of the dorm. When Reas reached the bottom of the stairs he went directly to the restroom and turned on the shower which felt amazing to him since the mist felt like it recharged him from head to toe. He got out of the shower after a few minutes and began brushing his teeth with a toothbrush that appeared in his hand then disappeared after he was done, [color=9e0b0f]"This place is basically the coincidence incarnate isn't it"[/color] Reas said to himself as he came out of the restroom with his new set of red cargo pants and a form-fitting black t-shirt that was flexible enough for him to move in every direction without it bunching up. When Reas reached the top of the stairs again he finally noticed that Zephyr was gone and a message from earlier in the morning was recorded on his clock, it was from Mr. Yayo stating for students to go to the cafeteria after they were done getting ready. He finished getting ready by slipping on his skates and powering them up, he launched off the top of the stairs and landed at the bottom floor silently opening the door and speeding down the hallway dodging the other students as he went. When Reas reached the cafeteria he scanned his card at one of the machines on the wall and a breakfast consisting of a bowl filled with an assortment of chopped up sweet and sour fruits appeared along with a glass of lemonade on the side. He took the plate of food and looked for a place to sit in the room that was slowly filling with people. Reas sat at the table with Zephyr and another female demon but a few seat down from them, he didn't say anything as it looked like he was trying to start something with the girl who seemed really into her food. He took a fork and started digging into his fruit bowl sampling one fruit after another marveling at how juicy and fresh the pieces of fruit were. The flame around Reas' leg warped until it took the form of a diagram for a micro magic engine but it had modifications done to it. [color=9e0b0f]"If i do this then it should increase the power without burning my power out..."[/color] Reas trailed off in thought while taking a bite of a sour fruit piece.