[center][h3]Kuroda Daichi[/h3][/center] [hr] The nocturne furrowed his brows in response to the pixie's remark, but he bit his tongue to hold back any more snide comments; he wasn't up for causing a rift in a [i]friendship[/i] that hasn't quite begun yet. Daichi cleared his throat and crossed his outstretched legs before him. Pausing between his own voice and the chuckle of the demon on his far right, he mumbled something quietly. [color=ed1c24]"-yeah, g'night."[/color] Maintaining a rather lighthearted voice, the nocturne eventually curled himself up and found a comfortable position on the pliable sheets, finally drifting off into a deep sleep. [hr] The following morning, the feline was dormant on his bed for quite some time- once this creature is asleep, he remains so for a rather long time. However, Kuroda's peaceful sleep was interrupted by the booming voice that caused the hairs on his back to stand on edge. His eyes shot open and he rolled off the bed, landing with a loud [b]thud.[/b] [color=ed1c24]"Ah- shit!"[/color] Daichi swore hoarsely under his breath, suddenly finding himself in an awkward position; he'd managed to land face first on the ground with his back and arms bent in unspeakable ways. He struggled to hoist himself onto his feet, causing him to stagger forward once he was finally upright. Rubbing the back of his neck and rolling his shoulders, he grumpily looked at his obnoxious alarm clock that read [i]6:53 AM.[/i] While he made his way over to the bathroom, he let out a disheartened sigh. [color=ed1c24][i]Am I gonna be up this early every day?[/i][/color] He noticed that Zephyr and Reas had already departed, along with the fact that their beds were already empty and had been made flawlessly. Closing the door behind him with his elbow, Daichi yawned loudly and proceeded with his morning routine. After much awe at the extravagant use of magic, he exited the bathroom clad in a black leather jacket and gloves, a red v-neck, sleek black pants decorated with numerous silver zippers along the sides, and a pair of black leather oxfords to match the new beanie on his head. The nocturne stretched out his arms and twisted around to rate his new outfit, and he scrunched up his face when he came across the new shiny shoes. [color=ed1c24][i]These aren't really my type...[/i][/color] He shrugged and adjusted his gloves while he jogged down the stairs and out into the hallway. Without much haste, Kuroda yawned once more while boarding the portal to the first floor. Just as a precaution, he clung to a wall before the lift transported him to his destination (without much hassle, to his surprise.) Strolling past the sea of students, he brought himself face to face with one of the peculiar machines. He was a bit startled when it abruptly spoke, but he followed the basic instructions and grazed his card across the scanner. [b]"Thank you, Kuroda Daichi. A meal will be prepared for you based on your personal preferences."[/b] [i][color=ed1c24]Sweet.[/color][/i] After that brief announcement, Daichi was greeted by the delectable smell of steak and eggs, along with a glass of cold milk. His jaw dropped only slightly, and he had to wipe the corner of his mouth of any visible drool before he swiftly picked up his breakfast platter. Kuroda's eyes flitted around the massive dining hall, scanning the area for any familiar faces. That was when he spotted a table with all the right people- Reas, Zephyr, and that demon girl whose necklace he'd remembered for later use. [color=ed1c24]"Mind if I join you?"[/color] He casually walked up to the party of three, a slight grin on his face as he made eye contact with each of them.