[color=a2d39c][b]Zensei Zaza[/b][/color] Awaking from the sound of a loud crash downstairs, Zensei jerked his body up. Judging by the light that reflected off his bed, he assumed it was about seven o'clock in the morning. He quickly hovered up and over everyone's bed and into the bathroom. Looking at the luxurious mirror he saw a message left by Yayo Fiji. [color=8882be]“Good morning students of Rosewood, this is Yayo Fiji. I hope you had a great first day and will continue to enjoy your time here. After you have prepared for the day, please make your way to the dining hall located on the first floor. This will be a chance to become acquainted with your classmates, so remember be polite!”[/color] A miniature toothbrush then formed on the counter in front of Zensei. Beginning to brush his teeth, he flew into the shower. The water pounded Zensei to the floor, making his voice squeak out on the impact. The mist slowly descended to him, filling his tiny lungs. Struggling to breathe, he screamed through the water that filled his mouth. After the torture was over, he crawled out of the glass shower door. Shiny particles began to invade his glowing aura and dry his soaked body as he collapsed onto his face. The particle's colors faded from white to a light green color and compressed together, getting closer to his body, and forming into a green-shaded tuxedo. Recovering from the insane events, he crawled out of the bathroom and to the top of the stairs. [color=a2d39c]"It's time."[/color] He whispered to himself before doing a somersault that caused him to tumble down the rest of the steps. Scrunching up his face, he managed to stand on his feet, but with his wings still paralyzed. He sprinted out of the dorm room, across the spooky starry carpet, and into the portal. The portal warped him into the hallway that lead to the entrance to the cafeteria, which could only be accessed by the portal. Upon walking in, he saw numerous floating tables with a blue glow under each one, while the walls and everything else were illuminated orange. Spotting two of his roommates sitting with a demon girl, he marked the table as his own. He ran to one of the machines that gave food to students before realizing he was way too short to reach. As creatures began to form a line behind the pixie and get flustered, he remembered that he could control gravity. [color=a2d39c]"Stand back uglies!"[/color] Following his rude command, he rose up, swiped his wing shaped student identification necklace through the scanner, and became aroused with excitement as fried chicken and grape soda pop appeared in front of him. [color=a2d39c]"Boo yah!"[/color] He yelled while taking the food to the table with his now-working wings. He slammed down his plate of fried chicken and chalice of grape soda pop in front of the roller blade human, a couple seats down from Zephyr who was sitting in front of the demon girl. [color=a2d39c]"Hey I'm Zensei and who are you? You kinda scare me."[/color] He said this with a neutral voice as he climbed from his seat onto the table, getting on all fours. [color=a2d39c]"Zephyr and that hot demon girl would make a cute couple right?"[/color] Zensei asked loud enough for the two demons to hear, then dug his face into the chicken as a dog would. Following his weird way of eating, he spun around and repeatedly stuck his tongue in and out of the soda as a dog would also do.