[Hider=CS][center][u][b]Name [/b][/u] Shun'ō Mastubara [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Human [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Height[/b][/u] 5'7 [u][b]Weight[/b][/u] 150 lbs [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [img]http://pc.atlus-mobile.jp/img/ds2br/chara/m_hero.png[/img] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] A silent individual who doesn't like being involved in anything troublesome or stressful but his gentle nature makes him endure them for his friends. His introverted personality makes it hard for people to talk to him and become friends, but when you get to know him, he can be quite annoying. If anything he likes to sit out of fights and prefers to watch them on the side-lines instead. Making him more of a passive fighter if he ever comes into battle and likes to either end it by running away which he has no problem of doing, or defeating his opponent which is his least favorite option. He doesn't mind hurting people to survive, its just that he feels like he would be a hindrance in battle for everyone else. [u][b]Skills and Powers Shield Generation[/b][/u] - Shun'ō is able to create shields to protect himself and other people within cover. The shield is not limited to shape but is often created as a triangle shape. These shields can also reflect back projectiles and knock away physical attacks used against it. His shields take up the color of a blue color, making it a distinct trait. This ability stems from his Event Negation, as his shields are the personification of him negating of what is to come. [u][b]Event Negation[/b][/u] - The core power that Shun'ō has and is neither an temporal or spatial power. It is an ability to simply limit, reject and negate what has happened to an object. Restoring it back to the state of existence before that event ever took place. This power can extend to many other branches, such as healing and reconstruction and so forth. Also instead of being a energy-based power, Shun'ō's ability comes from his will-power and determination to change things therefore, it gets stronger the more focused he is. [u][b]Bio [/b][/u] Shun'ō was a meek person who didn't like being a social person but his friends always conceived him to do things that he normally do. His groups of friends weren't bad, just outgoing and always like going places, bringing him along for the trip so he get out more. He didn't mind as he liked being part of a group and went along happily, becoming more social. However, one day when he went out with his friends, he was went into an empty elevator to meet up with them but when it opened up... it was not where he was supposed to be and in the distant he saw something terrifying. Then the elevator shot down, doors still wide open but it looked like the creature was still coming closer and closer in frames. It continued until it's head was inside the elevator itself before he passed out. Latter awakening inside a hospital, with the doctors explaining that the elevator had malfunctioned and he was lucky that he was only on the 4th floor. However, days after he discovered the awakening of his powers. [u][b]Equipment Snowflake Necklace[/b][/u] Shun'ō's physical manifestation of his powers, comes in the form of a snowflake necklace which is the medium of his powers. If destroyed he will lose his powers, and will slowly begin to come up with a fever within the next several hours and lasting for the next entire day. After that recovery time, the necklace will then return back onto him. [u][b]Other[/b][/u] [/center][/hider]