[color=f49ac2]"[b][i]To victory![/i][/b]"[/color] Kimmie yelled, tossing back another flavoured vodka shot. This one tasted like peaches, or perhaps grapefruit? By this point her mouth was already starting to go numb and it was difficult for the agent to stay up on her feet. Luckily the two hunky off-duty guards standing either side of her made sure she remained upright, their hands gripping her body in just the right way to let Idaho know their intentions were not entirely honourable. When the runner came up behind her and called her name it took several seconds for Idaho to register that the young woman was actually talking to her, but when she did she spun round angrily, [color=f49ac2]"What did you just call me!?!"[/color] [b]"Agent Idaho? I've been sent to escort you for your implantation."[/b] The uniformed woman said in a clipped, professional manner, her eyes fixed straight ahead and never wavering for a moment. [color=f49ac2]"Oh,"[/color] Idaho gasped, her mind reeling as she tried to come to terms with the sudden change of pace. Suddenly bursting into a wide smile Kimmie draped her arm over the reasonably attractive woman's shoulder and waved her hand in rough the direction she thought the door was in. [color=f49ac2]"Well then, lead the way."[/color] Pivoting in place, her arm moving around Idaho's waist to help guide the drunk agent, the runner turned Kimmie to face in the right direction before half leading, half carrying her out into the hall. [color=f49ac2]"You have the most gorgeous eyes, y'know?"[/color] Kimmie muttered, resting her head on the woman's bosom as she was hauled down to the medical wing. Several hours later Kimmie sat up on the medical cot, her hand moving up to her forehead to rub away the painful throbbing. [color=f49ac2]"Oooww!"[/color] She moaned, her voice deep and crackly, [color=f49ac2]"I feel like someone scooped out my brains, put them through a blender and then made me drink them."[/color] [color=9933ff]"I think you're right about the first part, but I'm not so sure about the rest,"[/color] came a small, childlike voice, seemingly out of nowhere. Opening one eye as she rubbed the other with the heel of her hand Kimmie carefully peered around the recovery suite, trying to spot who'd spoken. After a few seconds she spotted the woman curled up naked on the bed beside her, the same reasonably attractive woman she had a hazy recollection of from the night before. [color=f49ac2]"Oh God, not again..."[/color] She muttered to herself, [color=f49ac2]"Please tell me I didn't..."[/color] [color=9933ff]"I'm afraid you did, Agent Idaho, several times in fact. I managed to record most of it in my memory banks, if you'd like to review the footage..?"[/color] A small window popped up in front of Kimmie, seemingly floating in the air a foot in front of her. What was shown there seemed to be a low-quality first person recorded amateur porno, with extreme close-ups of what looked like someone's ear, or their... [color=f49ac2]"[b]NO!!![/b]"[/color] Kimmie screamed loudly, waving her arms through the display to try and make it go away as she stared at the door hoping no-one came in until she got rid of it. [color=f49ac2]"Delete it! [b]Delete it![/b] [i][b]Delete it!!![/b][/i]"[/color] She hissed as loudly as she could while at the same time trying not to wake the runner who shifted under the sheets as Idaho's frantic motions disturbed her sleep. Jumping off the bed Kimmie landed unsteadily on her feet, her arms extending out for a moment to balance herself as she looked around the room guiltily. [color=f49ac2]"Where the hell are my clothes?"[/color] She asked the intangible voice, which was obviously a real thing and not some hallucination, unlike the last time. [color=9933ff]"I'm afraid to say the doctors thought it best to have those 'alcohol soaked rags' incinerated. However some appropriate attire may be found in the storage locker 37 degrees to your right and 4.2 meters in front of you."[/color] The voice answered helpfully. Moving over to the closet Kimmie opens in to find several Service-issue jumpsuits of the one-size-never-fits-all variety. [color=f49ac2]"You call this appropriate attire?"[/color] She asked the voice petulantly. [color=9933ff]"It's certainly better than what you're wearing at the moment,"[/color] the AI responded, its young voice dripping with disapproval. Sticking out her tongue to a nearby mirror Kimmie quickly pulled one of the jumpsuits on over her naked, sweat-stained body before turning and looking at her reflection critically. [color=f49ac2]"Damn, I look hideous. Like a potato sack made love to a garbage bag and then aborted the baby."[/color] She commented, trying to smooth out the crumpled jumpsuit to no avail. [color=f49ac2]"What should I call you by the way, other than 'Dad'?"[/color] [color=9933ff]"I'm not sure why you'd identify me as a parental figure at all, although you may want to clean up that makeup of yours before we leave, if that's what you're planning on doing,"[/color] the AI responded, in a clipped precise tone. [color=9933ff]"My designation is Theta, but you may call me 'Papa'."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Was that supposed to be a joke?"[/color] Kimmie asked, holding her throbbing head in her hand as she made her way out into the corridor, leaving the sleeping guard naked on the hospital behind her. [color=f49ac2]"Because if it was, it sucked."[/color]