Innes gave a mock salute to Libra upon receiving the message and yelled back "Gotcha!" before making her way to her room. In the relative privacy of the room, she set about getting a link back to Dun Ara to tell the Patriarch the news. Weyss did not look surprised when Innes told him what was happening. In fact, he seemed to have seen this coming. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin, thinking carefully. Innes knew better than to disturb him when he was like this - he was clearly trying to add everything up in his head and decide the best course of action. "This is an interesting development." He began, choosing his words cautiously "They haven't told you to leave, so my assumption would be that they don't mind you coming along." "Should I? I mean, they said they could take me home if I needed to and I don't want to get in the way..." "I think it would be a good idea for you to stay with them for now. It is unlikely these newcomers are going to be openly hostile and to attack you whilst in the company of others would be out of the question. This also allows us to meet another nation without having to devote any probes or new ambassadors." "So what's the plan?" "You will remain as a conduit for Paardveid to the Faira, but now you will have to present us to this new race as well. This is a big task, Innes and I have no objections if you need someone to accompany you..." Innes waved away the concern "It shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, it will be nice to meet someone who I can address by name for once." "Alright. I'll inform the Council. Anything else to report?" "Not yet." "Alright. Contact me after you've met the new race." And with that, the call ended.