Here's my CS. Not too much, but it's me. Some mention of cities in certain areas, but nothing else should step on anybody's toes. [hider=CS] [b]Character Name[/b] Jock Sturgeon [b]Age[/b] 32 [b]Appearance[/b] Jock is thin and of average height. His dark hair is cut close-cropped. He has a fair complexion and his face is thin with a set of brown eyes deeply set into his face. He has a crooked nose that became crooked due to a break and poor resetting of the bone. He goes clean shaven almost always. The short hair and hairless face leaves it possible to add false facial hair and wigs for disguise purposes. [b]Personality[/b] Simply put Jock is a hustler. He'll do anything he can to make money. He has the likable and easygoing personality a conman needs in order to survive. Depending on the situation Jock can be very cocky and overbearing. As much as conning is a means of earning money for Jock, it's also a psychological aspect. The years of neglect from his mother left a chip on his shoulder. He just doesn't want to take money from you, he wants to prove that he is the smarter than you. The need to prove his intelligence has led to many cons blowing up prematurely, the mark becoming suspicious due to Jock's attitude. He avoids violence as much as possible, preferring to solve problems with his mind and not his fists. [b]Talents[/b] Jock is a practiced thief with a variety of physical skills that include sleight of hand, pick pocketing, lock picking, and some acrobatic ability. More impressive are his confidence man abilities. Charismatic and likable, Jock is also practiced in acting, rhetoric, and disguise. [b]Friends & Rivals[/b] Vesta Sturgeon - Jock's mother. Vesta works for many underworld figures across the world. She only occasionally shows up into Jock's life at the most inconvenient of times. Tiberius Munroe - Local crime lord Jock pays tribute to in order to operate in his part of Bayyard. Munroe also acts as Jock's fence, paying for any stolen goods he may have to sell. Commander Normand - A high-ranking member of the Bayyard watch who also demands tribute from any thieves, bandits, or cutthroats operating in his sector. His authoritarian nature rubs many members of Bayyard underworld, Jock among them, the wrong way. Wallis - An old conman and thief that mentored Jock when he was younger. Wallis still travels across the world, pulling jobs when and where he can get them. Gingy - Owner and operator of Gingy's, a pub that Jock lives above. Gingy is Jock's landlord and friend. Monjoni - A fellow thief, Monjoni is leader of a four-man crew that performs burglaries and robberies all over the city. Jock has a tendency to run afoul with Monjoni and his boys anytime their paths cross. [b]Background[/b] Jock Sturgeon's early life was one of hardship. His mother, Vesta, gave birth to him when she was just thirteen years old. A farmer, Jock's father died a year later when he was kicked in the head by his plowhorse. Vesta soon abandoned Jock and gave him to her parents, running off to Léonez. In Léonez, she fell in with seedy types, men who did bad things for lots of money. She grudgingly came back when Jock was three and her father threatened to abandon the boy as well. She took him to the city and half-raised him, seeing the boy as nothing more than a burden. Men came and went and Jock, as he got older, began to notice the things his mother and her friends did. He watched and quietly learned. By the age of thirteen Jock and a group of boys from the neighborhood formed their own pickpocket gang. At fifteen he and another man ran a rigged street betting game. A year later Jock was steadily committing burglaries through Léonez. He made the mistake of operating too frequently in too small of an area. Soon the city watch was on to him and he had to flee town, sent halfway across Orlandis to hideout with friends of his Vesta. In exile, Jock's education began properly. He learned from seasoned thieves and grifters about the skill of the con, both short and long. Jock soon began to put the lessons to use. For ten yearsm Jock operated around Orlandis as a confidence man and burglar. He ran long cons, short cons, heists, scams, and grifts. He pulled every sort of job from the One-Armed Priest to the Steward of Skavia to the Brothers Corletonsia. More often than not the jobs were successful, but Jock had to occasionally pull out of the cons, just one step ahead of the authorities. A decade of running and scamming made him weary of traveling and grifting. Jock soon settled in Bayyard, a large city situated on the coast in Veronia. A month of working on the docks soon took their toll and Jock was back in the game, running a variety of short-term cons through the city and kingdom, learning from the mistakes of his youth to grift smart and to grift quietly. [b]Other Information[/b] Nothing much to add, really. I love crime stories and I just want to experiment with genres, telling those stories in a setting where they don't always show up. This is just someone who operates on a very small scale compared to the houses, but there ae plenty of chances for him to cross paths with someone if the opportunity rises. I always love the idea of the common man on the street, trying to do his job while bigger things happen behind the scenes. Let the nobles have their intrigue and scandal, Jock just wants to make some coin. [/hider]