As he sat up on the medical cot Georgia was just in time to see Idaho jogging out of the ward as quickly as her jump-sack covered butt could carry her. A few moments later one of the guards appeared in the doorway to private room she and Idaho had spent the night in, clutching a stained sheet in front of her which did precious little to hide her unclothed state. Glancing round a few time, bleary eyed and confused, the guard made her way out into the base as well. Laying back Georgia sighed at the memory of the pert backside which had just vanished from view. [color=f26522]"Some girls have all the luck,"[/color] he mumbled, letting his eyes stare at the ceiling as he pictured just what Idaho and the girl had been upto the night before. [color=mediumorchid]"That's disgusting,"[/color] The irritating voice in his head called out as a puddle of what seemed like water coalesced on his chest before rising up to take on the form of a slightly butch, but still very attractive female figure. Georgia shrugged his shoulder unconcerned, [color=f26522]"It's only natural for people to want to hook up during wartime. It helps them feel alive and reminds us all what we're fighting for."[/color] He told the AI dismissively. [color=mediumorchid]"I wasn't talking about that,"[/color] Kappa replied, leaning towards him with a scowl chiselled into her stern, but beautiful face. [color=mediumorchid]"I was talking about that!"[/color] She said, pointing her transparent, holographically projected finger down at where the large bulge was clearly visible between Georgia's legs. Rolling on his side, forcing Kappa to float over to hover in the air an inch above the bedsheet, Georgia tucked a hand under his neck to get himself a little more comfortable before replying, making sure to tuck one leg over the other so that no casual observers spotted his man reaction. [color=f26522]"Don't worry about it so much, it's just a biological imperative when seeing two beautiful post-coital women together."[/color] As he lay there one of the medical orderlies, a mildly attractive young girl with a fantastic set of ankles, came over to the bed while examining a chart. "You're free to go as soon as you'd like, Agent Georgia." She said in a professional tone, her voice droning slightly from boredom. "The tests are all clear, but if you suffer any headaches, nausea or loss of life please report back as soon as possible." [color=f26522]"That's great,"[/color] Georgia replied with a strained smile. [color=f26522]"I'll just be a minute, just getting myself comfortable."[/color] The orderly looked over at him with a scowl which mirrored Kappa's so perfectly Georgia wondered if they'd somehow managed to map the girl's personality onto the AI without frying her brain in the process. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist you leave immediately. We have to keep these beds clear in case of a medical emergency." She droned in her bored monotonic way. [color=f26522][i]Then again, with that voice perhaps they did fry her brain,[/i][/color] he thought with a chuckle as he slipped off the bed, trying to hunch himself over enough that his swelling wouldn't be too obvious to the girl. [color=mediumorchid]"I heard that,"[/color] Kappa snapped, [color=mediumorchid]"And you should be ashamed of yourself."[/color] Rolling his eyes Georgia shuffled off towards the exit, heading back to his quarters for a nice cold shower while wondering whether soaking his head in a bucket would have any effect on Kappa's implanted chip.