[color=fff200]Chris: "You, Dog, go with Mortal Kombat over there."[/color] It seemed Kaylah was going to be paired with Dog again, she was not complaining as Dog was rather nice unlike her twin or as she referred to herself as him. She would go with it because it was who they wanted to be and who could take that away. She did time to time have thoughts about talking to Cat though who knew if he would brush her off. She would give it a try when she could, she travelled with the guy and the others so talking with them and building some relationships was important. Blue soon looked over to her partner who seemed to have taken the lead at this time. She saw a smile and she would have given one back if she could see, it made one anyway though Dog would not be able to see it. The two were going to take the left side of the mall, Bruiser walked next to Dog as she took lead. Her nose sniffing the area for trouble, a detector which would help people survive better. The marble floor was nice and the broken glass did not change that as she passed it, making sure not to step on it. They passed a few clothe shops though Kaylah could see several other stores from where she was at this point. She could see a sports store called [i]Everlast Sports[/i], a cake shop on the opposite side of the sports store called [i]Frosty Cakes[/i] and it seemed Dog had found a comic store. Her eyes checked out the other stores she could see though at the moment all she could see were the colours the store signs had and somewhat some of the logos that went with those colours, many unclear as the mall stretched a long way from where they were. This would only be one floor of four or more. Her feet made slight patting sounds as she moved; her feet were a little sore due to her shoes not really being proper shoes. They were a cosplay item which was not supposed to be used as everyday shoes promoting Blue to get some trainers or something. Hopefully they could check it out later if things were clear, maybe block off some areas so keep a certain area safe for longer. The place was partly littered though probably from before the outbreak happened or so she thought. The indoor interior seemed like most malls as it had sits, bins, stalls, escalators, elevators and the other things one would see at the mall. The air conditioning was still working but for how long? Kaylah watched when Dog saw the comic book stop, she herself wanted to go look as well but she had a job to do first. [color=00aeef]Kaylah: “So you like comics Dog? I love comics too; I had a collection back when the world was right.”[/color] Just because they were checking things out did not mean she could not strike up a conversation even if they had to whisper, she spoke at a low level which one would consider too loud to be whispering. Her voice echoed a little due to the reverb of the large open planned room. Her voice crackling a little, something that did not happen often, in fact was rare to happen. Her vial did not muffle her voice in anyway, a piece of cloth that thin wouldn’t. Bruiser soon began to weave in-between things as she searched the place out the way she could though returned to Dog every so often as she was lead at this point. Bruiser felt a kind soul within Dog and so would spend time with her when the chance arose, even if Cat was less kind or just unkind Bruiser did not fear him. Her paws made tiny patting sounds as Bruiser walked across the marble flooring; her nails caused the sounds to be heard as well as her dog tag that swayed upon movement. Kaylah kept her eyes open for a pet store and a food store as well, the more food stores the more supplies they could get, the pet store was for a more personal reason. She would return to the sports shop later as well, her weapon was rather worn out now. she did however have her hockey stick with a razor blade on the end of it out just in case. She had good range but it took a bit more work to use it, the hockey stick looked like it was going to break any day now. The stick was chipping, cracking and splitting, the paint was peeling and the dried on blood would come off time to time.