[color=00aeef][i][b]Nodah Listig[/b][/i][/color] Nodah's eyelids fluttered open. Sleep must have clutched him unawares by the shoulders. With a slight grunt, he pushed himself up, looking around the deserted dorm. In solitude, he threw on a grey cotton shirt, slightly creased and rumpled from being stuffed unceremoniously into a backpack and handled roughly. Nodah stifled a yawn, and stretched, ruffling his already bed-worn hair. He read Yayo Fiji's message, and set off for the dining hall, hoping he was not yet tardy. It was a bustle of noise and movement in the hall, and Nodah occupied himself by absent-mindedly fingering the delicate pendant of his necklace, tugging it out from the confines of his shirt. He walked up to the machine and swiped it, before a steaming platter of food appeared before him. [color=00aeef]"Most convenient,"[/color] he murmured, picking up the tray in his hands and taking in the waft of the sandwich, toasted to a crisp - if simplistic - perfection. He approached a table, spotting familiar faces. [color=00aeef]"Top of the morning,"[/color] he greeted, taking a seat beside the pixie, eyeing Zensei's eccentric dining mannerisms. He raised the frosted glass of grape juice to his lips and took a demure swallow, its cold breath slithering down his throat in a most enjoyable way. [color=00aeef]"I trust your sleep was restful?"[/color] he asked, deciding he might as well strike up conversation with his co-habitants.