[quote=@Vandy] [b]Berserkers[/b]- They're... Vikings. The whole shtick of being a viking is getting on a boat and being a badass hand to hand combatant. Plus medieval naval warfare was basically the same as ancient. Ram that ship over there and if it doesn't sink jump on and hack away at the sailors. They are better as marines/infantry though. Landing on beaches and then having a land battle is preferable. [/quote] The Battle of Lepanto was in the middle ages; though that wasn't in the northern seas of Europe where the development of naval combat wasn't as well-developed. Given that Skavia would mostly fend off the Stormbroken and their Vyntarland cousins, it probably makes sense that most of it is transport ships; though I imagine the Stormbroken perhaps would have small ballistics/catapults attached to their ships, but I have to see if the Stormbroken player shows up. [quote=@Vandy] [b]Legendary[/b]-Well that just comes from the Game of Thrones theme you've got going on. Everyone in Westeros knows who Jamie Lannister is and can recognize his face even though they have never met him? That and people like to talk about the ruling families of their country. As for Loki, I'll go add more detail if you want. [/quote] Jamie Lannister was also a prodigal knight and renowned more for the fact he was a "kingslayer". I just want to make sure we don't have people making too many people who are combat geniuses and warriors. [quote=@Vandy] [b]Hovedstad[/b]- Never said it was indestructible, just that it has never been destroyed. Obviously if a large number of boats caught fire there would be trouble. The Skavians however LOVE this city. If they know an enemy is heading to Hovedstad they send EVERYTHING they have to protect it. If an enemy reaches the Floating City, most of the Skavian military must be dead. Loki and his rebels will never attack Hovedstad because of the strong mystical belief they have in this city. They truly believe it is protected by the gods. The entire north sea is going to freeze over? Well I guess the name will change to "The City Stuck in Ice"[/quote] For a time, yeah. The "totally-not-the-king-beyond-the-sea" will end up uniting the tribes in Vyntar and crossing it by foot and mount; and I have a feeling the best time for when this event happens will be midway into your Civil War haha. But to give you an idea at the start of the RP in the Northlands the coastline is starting to freeze a bit preluding a harshly cold spring in the North, foreshadowing the events to come. [quote=@Vandy] [b]Vassal Map[/b]- I welcome the help with that. As I said the best I can do is copy the entire political map to microsoft paint and crop everything else out. Let's just say that isn't my forte. [/quote] [url=http://i.imgur.com/wF9PFNS.png]Test Map so far[/url] [quote=@Vandy] [b]Trade[/b]- Understood with the runesteel, consider it removed. Deadliest Warriors sound better? Northmen are tough. [/quote] I can go with “hardy, yet fierce” or similar descriptions, just try to avoid the “BEST IN DA WERLD” sort of tone with them, alright? I just want to make sure I can trust my players to not steamroll over others which is a problem I see in actual Nation RPs. Good thing this about story and not min/maxing huh? [quote=@Vandy] [b]History[/b]- That just seems unrealistic to me. It was a time of war and the Vynts had been raiding Skavia for some six years. I just have a hard time believing that the entire military sees rape as taboo. I guess I could explain that away by having Crach handpick the most evil and un-holy bastards he could find. Plus every soldier knows that rape is morally wrong, but in war it happens. They can understand that what they are doing is bad, but in the end they are soldiers. I doubt that anyone would say, "Ha! I will never rape a woman, not because it is morally wrong in every way but because I grew up in the North!" As for Perhyr getting involved, yeah that would have been inevitable. It was quite some time ago but they definitely would have gotten involved just because of proximity. For relations, I would like the two to be old allies since Hafrek only exists as a great house because of Balkr, but that alliance is being strained because of what Skavia's crown is doing right now. Maybe Perhyr would support the rebellion? Grammar mistakes happened because I seem to have a hard time proof reading my work directly after I write it. I was going to go back over it after you had seen it. I can add to the characters if you want, but that was more of a "who this person is" than a detailed character sheet for each one since I'm playing as a house and not a single character. Plus the recent history section is pretty substantial. [/quote] Surely not every single Northman is honorable or pious; but ever since they distanced themselves from their bloodthirsty cousins in Vyntar, a lot of their culture shifted into that of honorable nature. I borrowed a lot from the Starks and mixed it in with a lot of my ideas. However rape and killing unarmed men/women is seen as extremely immoral to the point that it should be [i]punished.[/i] Know this when considering the Northlands. Though anger and fear make normal men do things out of character in many ways. @Perhyr: Well, Viktor definitely would not like Skavia's current liege, but he is practical and wouldn't burn trade and tradition. He might take a wait and see approach, or send one of his sons to Skavia to give him eyes on the conflict. Probably Henrik.