Rareth could agree with the idea of getting something from a restaurant. She did not think that the food they had on the ship was bad per se, but it certainly was not restaurant quality. After Telmeck's suggestion, Rareth stood up and walked towards the center of the living room. "I think I can agree with that. We just need to decide on where to go, or whether to actually go anywhere at all." Rareth commented. Rareth activated her wrist computer and, with a specific hand motion, blew up the holographic projection to be roughly her size for everyone else to see. With her free hand, she started browsing through local points of interest until she found restaurant listings. "We could always get delivery, if we don't feel like going out. In keeping with the theme, perhaps we should try something with Human cuisine?" She suggested, pausing a moment as she selected a well-rated restaurant that looked like it served Human food. She browsed through their menu for a few moments, though her attention naturally became drawn to their most expensive item. "Hmm, baked yams with matsutake mushrooms and a large wooly mammoth steak, cooked to your specifications. I don't know what any of that is, but it looks good." Rareth commented.