If anyone's interested, foreign merchant/ totally-not-a-spy/pirate/smuggler for hire. Will naturally need to make some edits from his original signup Name: Sind gwa Bad, son of the sea (actual name Amir Sand gwa Nayram) A.K.A. Sindbad. Age: 25 Appearance: Sind is the type of personal who's immediately noticable even from a distance. He usually dyes his long hair a vibrant purple through the use of highly expensive water-proofed pigments and he's consistently covered with bracelets, bracers, necklaces, rings and other assorted bits of jewelry and bling. He'll also often wear the traditional hooded 'burnoose' of Matar, although typically one with far too many swirling designs and cloak-tassels and far too rich a fabric to be practical. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye as well. underneath these odd excesses, Sind is a slim but muscular man tanned and hardened from endless days in the sun and aboard the decks of ships, his back and body crisscrossed with scars. Personality: Sind generally projects an air of being larger than life, an utter peacock of a man who's a little too friendly to the world in general and whose appetite for parties, luxury and debauchery is exceeded only by his love for risk and adventure. He's the type to try to exchange pleasantries and banter with someone even if they call him lowborn pirate scum, and a firm believer in there being no problem that can't be solved with the right amount of alcohol. Sind himself naturally insists that he's not a pirate of any sort, merely a merchant and occasional mercenary who pursues 'aggressive business strategies and high risk ventures'. Underneath the vain, friendly and hedonistic exterior lies the shrewd, complex and surprisingly noble mind of Sand gwa Nayram, adopted fourth son of the Sultan of Matar. He uses the mask of the foolish and hedonistic pirate Sindbad to hide his competence as a merchant, scholar and warrior, though if discovered or questioned he'll admit that he enjoys the role and isn't sure how much of it is an act.Growing up in the courts of Matar gave him all the benefits of a prince's life, and when his guise is dropped he's a courtly, restrained and keen individual with a nose for intrigue that comes naturally from growing up with three powerful elder brothers who all saw him as an upstart. His vain and highly recognizable appearance means all it takes for him to become invisible is a solvent for his hair dye and a quick change of clothes,the parties and revels are as much sources of information as entertainment, since few people can hold tight to their secrets after a few dozen rounds of drinks, and in the business of 're-selling goods', having friends and information everywhere is invaluable and having blackmail is better still. While he is a pirate, a smuggler and a mercenary Sand hates slavery with a passion, sells his goods cheap both to undercut his competition and to help the poorer elements, treats his crew like a second family provided they don't try and usurp him, and only works for causes or people he likes even when doing otherwise would be more profitable. He's also an avid chronicler and explorer when he can be, taking advantage of sailing in order to write notes and journals on all the places he's been to and all of the cultures, people, and notable events he encounters. Biography: Sand was born a lowly orphan in the capital of Matar, turning to thievery to survive, and barely being good enough at it to do that much. His fortunes only changed when he was desperate enough to pickpocket one of the guards in the Sultan's retinue as it passed by one day and was brought before the Sultan himself to be judged. Rather than punishing the boy, the Sultan was moved by Sand's pathetic state and adopted him, raising him with every advantage and kindness afforded to a son of his own house. His elder brothers welcomed and cared for him at first, but unfortunately after their father died they eventually came to see him as an upstart parasite taking that which he wasn't born to have, especially after the Sultan's will gifted him a sizable sum of money from his personal treasury. Many often subtle attempts on his life began soon afterward. The instinct he'd developed on the streets and the training he'd received since made him harder to kill than anticipated and over the years he proved resillient, but rather than attempting to get his brothers killed or punished in return once he finally figured out who was behind the many threats he faced and risk causing both familial and political upheaval, he set out to sea under an assumed name to travel far from the shores of Matar. Before his first journey could even really begin, the ship he traveled aboard was attacked by pirates from the notorious crew of the [i]Wandering Blade[/i] and they, recognizing his wealthy appearance and more importantly his hidden stash of money, kidnapped him in hopes of extracting a hefty ransom. When he finally explained that he had effectively been disowned they were obviously quite disappointed, and wanting both to torment him and to get further use out of him they forced him to work as their cabin boy and powder monkey. Luckily, the captain and crew he was forced to serve found his princely education useful and he made himself indispensable over the years, to the point where once he was older and the previous captain died, he was elected the new captain of the ship in accordance with the [i]Wandering Blade's[/i] charters. At this point the young Captain gained a lofty ambition: Since he'd been denied his place in the Sultanate of his land, he would become Sultan of the Seas, a goal he's subtly pursued ever since.