[color=f7976a]"Ah... that was the worse."[/color] Nothing came out of the alleys save some stray cats. Cute but some of them were vicious. Still cute though. Having abandoned the idea of searching through alleys for some variant of the Level Upper yesterday, she wore instead her usual Nagaten uniform, having her own activities to do in the school. Torako walked slowly through the street, taking her time getting to the school. After all, taking down old posters and putting up new ones wasn't exactly a job deciding the fate of the world. [color=f7976a]"Ugh... why'd I even volunteer to help the student council?"[/color] Originally she had thought to gain a few extra points for being such a good volunteer, but the way the council worked the volunteers was tiring to say the least. Ah such a pain. Tora caught the sight of two Tokiwadai students as she walked, her smile twitching slightly. Tokiwadai... So full of themselves and their powers, all of them level 3 or higher. She pulled out a small coin, and took a deep breath. Perhaps she could use her own abilities to set up a good prank. Amplify. That was what her power was classified as. Its use was to amplify cause or effect to double its value, though her current limitation was that she needed to actually be touching anything she wanted to amplify. Perhaps amplify the effect of a her strength pushing down a knife so she could cut vegetables easier, or amplifying her exerted force on a jar lid to open it easier. And while she can amplify the magnitude of an Esper's power to double, doing so was rather dangerous. People amplified with her abilities did not feel any different, making it very dangerous when they use their powers normally. Tora and her friend burning off all their clothes weren't a joke after all; if her friend didn't catch herself in time, both of them could have been dead by now. Thinking hard for a moment, she eventually gave a sigh and laughed to herself. Tora can't really think of a good prank to do with her ability. Perhaps it was just as well; she'd make them regret their hubris in another way. Tora can't think of a way right now, but she was sure it would come. Hopefully. Giving up the idea of a prank, she cheerfully flipped the coin, as she started walking again. And fumbled majestically as she tripped, flipping the coin forwards fully amped in her surprise, the coin smashing through one of the crepes the girl was holding. [color=f7976a]"Ah." [/color]Tora started sweating profusely. [color=f7976a]"That.. I.. this is not..."[/color]