[quote=@Mokley] Whoa, this blew up overnight. Literally. Ok, here we go. [@Cinderella Man] Approved, but one question: what is it? :) [@Experiment 249] Not as fierce as he looks! Very interesting. :) Approved. [@TimeToRP] I'm honored that you're interested, but this is not the RP for you. :) If I may offer some advice, since you're new: check out the Free forum, and look for roleplays marked "Anime" and "Fandom." You'll find plenty of RPs with your same interests. I must decline your application here, but please do not be discouraged from finding another RP you'll be happy in. :) [@Mr_pink] pre-approved, of course! [@WatermelonTango] also pre-approved! [@drewccapp] You and your murderers. ;) Approved, please copy to the Characters tab. Though I'm not sure how eager Kettle would be to invite a mad murderer on her expedition, I'm sure there's a very good reason. XD [@Gareth] A charming rogue, excellent. Approved -- please copy to the Characters tab. [@AiyvaGuard] Excellent, a kind healer! Approved, please copy to the Characters tab. As WatermelonTango said, for the PC relatioship just @Mention another player whose character intrigues you, and explain a reason your two characters know one another. :) [h3]Notes for Everyone[/h3][hr] You can have as many PC relationships as you want, and you're welcome to develop those relationships as much as you like. Also, Kettle is female. ;D [/quote] Can I try to create a new char? A new OC?