Isabel was dazed, and when she looked back up, expecting to see a gun in her face, she was just in time to catch all of the gun-men surrounding her suddenly flailing and recoiling at nothing. Some shouted in pain, but all stopped firing for a moment. Looking at these humans, she was filled with hate. They had no regard for life, they feared people like her so much that they would kill everyone here for it. Many were humans, but even then they didn't deserve this treatment. Her yellow eyes shimmered as her power ramped up. She held a hand out at the nearest agent before they began to fire again. His head twisted itself around, with a sickening wet crunch. He was lifted off the ground, floating limply for a second before flying at speed and ramming another of the assailants and knocking him bodily into a wall. Isabel rose to her feet and psy blasted another gun wielding crony as she made her way to the door. She lifted another into the air, twisting his arms until they broke and his gun clattered to the ground. He started screaming as he floated toward her, forming a live flesh and bone barrier between her and anyone who would shoot at her.