[colour=violet]“The Captain left on a diplomatic mission, yet her senior diplomatic advisor remained behind?”[/colour] Kiera said in reference to herself, shifting her position so that she was now standing upright with her striking purple eyes meeting those of the chief engineer. She shook her head and made a sound of disagreement while maintaining her friendly demeanour. As talented an engineer as Maggie was she was no liar and it showed in her attempt at explaining away the Captains disappearance. Kiera on the other hand was an old hand at this kind of thing, with several lifetimes of experience under her belt. Experience that she felt that she should offer now. [colour=violet]“That will not do, such a story is too easy to disprove by anyone with a mind to do so. I understand your concern but you’re going about this all wrong. May I?”[/colour] Kiera said as she took a seat opposite the chief engineer. She offered the chief engineer an award winning smile before she continued. [colour=violet]“Lies are not going to help in this situation, not like you think they will. Trust me on this. May I make a recommendation, as you senior diplomatic advisor? Rather than lie, simply avoid the truth. For example I see nothing in this mission briefing that would require the Captains direct intervention. Is it so unreasonable to assume that she might have more pressing concerns aboard her ship? Isn't that why she has people under her command?”[/colour]