Manny had been waiting for a response when a voice echoed from the shadows. Manny wasn't coward, but he may or may not have jumped a bit. After composing himself, he turned to see a young savage. "Almighty! Don't sneak up on a man like that; you redskins my like that creepy shadowy malarkey, but we civilized folk appreciate our hearts in our chest rather than on our mouths." He looked the boy over: small frame, long hair, clean face, a far-cry from the head-scalping brutes portrayed in the plays back east. "That said, I suppose you're right, the dullards running this establishment clearly have no sense of propriety, keeping a client waiting in the dark and all." He shook the savage's hand, not entirely waiting to be received. "Mr. Polly, a pleasure to meet you. How about you tell me more about this [i]fine[/i] establishment and town in reparation for that that slight scare you gave me. Hell, I'll even offer you a drink." He flashed a devilish smile.