[color=f49ac2]Nuna Mori[/color] Nuna was awakened by the warmth emitted from the sun, which replaced what she last remembered to be the moon. [color=f49ac2]"It's morning already...MMM..."[/color] she muttered with her face in a pillow. Her legs and arms extended, popping her joints and returned to cuddling the pillow. The feel of the bedding had quickly become comforting to her and the urge to get up was difficult. She finally developed the incentive to prepare herself when she heard Yayo Fiji's message from the alarm clock. [color=8882be]“Good morning students of Rosewood, this is Yayo Fiji. I hope you had a great first day and will continue to enjoy your time here. After you have prepared for the day, please make your way to the dining hall located on the first floor. This will be a chance to become acquainted with your classmates, so remember be polite!”[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Sure will do..."[/color] she expressed wearily as she rose from the bed. When the search for the bathroom begun, she noticed that her roommates had already departed, except for the last arrival close to midnight. The Nocturne was still sprawled in bed, asleep. Inspecting him along with the headboard that was ingrained [i]Leval Lamrue[/i], Mori remembered the weird noise he made, "[color=9e0b0f]mreeeeeeeeeeeeeehh[/color]" Shivers ran down her spine as the remembrance of the sound left her in consternation. She eventually found the bathroom and entered. Upon entrance of the bathroom, the elegance took her by surprise. The glass sink, the tiles, and lighting created a scenery unforgettable in the bathroom. Taking a few steps forward, a toothbrush materialized into her hands, startling her. Now that she knew of the technology she would no long be frightened, but engrossed to find out the next experience. After finishing brushing her teeth and fondling with the mirror's intricacy, she began removing her clothes. She stepped into the shower and was surprised once again. The mist and water that began to encase and caress her body rejuvenated her back to a state of normalcy. She looked down at the form of her body making poses in the shower as it may have casted a silhouette for an onlooker. Moments had passed, when she finally withdrew herself from the shower. As the drying and clothing process occurred, she viewed her outfit. It composed of: a white form-fitting crop top, dark suspenders holding up the sleek black mini skirt that hugged her hips tightly, and a pair of shiny black thigh-high boots with golden laces weaved to the top to match the gold bands clasped around her biceps. She had spent enough time preparing and hurriedly left for the first floor. The elevator trip was the same as before and she tried to resist the effects it had on her, almost tolerating its torrent. On the first floor, she entered the hall, with other students, to attain breakfast. The lines were slowly growing, but she found a relatively short line and swiped her identification necklace to get her food. She quickly took her food as it did not matter what was on her plate, but who she would sit next to. Nuna caught sight of Desdemona and Leval, but her interest both piqued and depressed; as the Nocturne from the teleportal was at the table, along with the green pixie fruit. [color=f49ac2]"How would I engage the situation?"[/color] She wanted to be away from the crowd, but not alone. The thought hit her like a tree being cut to the ground. She approached the table standing behind the Nocturne. She greeted everyone first stating her name and then talking to everyone else she knew directly. [color=f49ac2]"Hello, my name is Nuna Mori for those of you who don't know."[/color] She noticed the boy named, Nodah and acknowledged his company with great honor. [color=f49ac2]"Good to see you again, my dear sire."[/color] She waved at Leval and Desdemona. She took notice of a human with rollerskates. [color=f49ac2]"Rollerskates..."[/color] The other demon was at the table and she examined his elegant attire. But last person she even wanted to see was the green light. Looking at him, Mori was almost attempted to jump over the table and smash him like a fly. Yayo's words rang through her head as her face clearly displayed her anger. She noticed the Nocturne's beanie and decided to take it off. She let her fingers slip under the hat, dwindle in his hair, and remove the beanie. Under his hat were his piquant hair and fuzzy cat ears. She reached for one ear massaging it, as it twitched and relaxed at the presence of her hand. This was no ordinary touch, but one that allowed the Nocturne to remanin calm; Succubus touch. It was only common for people within her race. With the beanie, she began walking away to a new table, bumping into the male demon with her hip on purpose. All of this was done nonchalantly, as her food maintained on her tray. She hoped that the two would react in some fashion to her actions. She settled at the table, knowing at least the Nocturne would come, waiting.