[hider=Kelin Jakur CS]Name: Kelin Jakur Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 6' 2" Weight: 175 lbs [hider=Appearance:][img]http://www.writeups.org/img/fiche/4931a.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Obstinately loud, undeniably blunt, and impeccably cheery. Kelin walks into a room with a confident swagger in his step to fill the immediate area with a boisterous presence. He's always cracking jokes, often at the expense of both other people and himself. He holds self-deprecating humor in high regard and generally frowns upon people who aren't able to make fun of themselves. He makes his opinions of people known widely as he's never been one to beat around the bush. Unfortunately, this has landed him into trouble more than once. Still, he finds humor in nearly every situation and generally strives to live fully, laugh thoroughly, and learn quickly. When it comes to the battlefield, Kelin is nothing more than brawn. He takes hits and dishes them out just as readily. Kelin can, at first glance, appear to be a very simple man. He's loud, funny and loves to feast; all the tell-tale signs associated with your typical barbarian cliche. However, unlike that cliche Kelin has an intellectual side to him. Kelin finds the most joy in discovering the myriad mysteries of life. Being a smarty-pants(or a smart ass depending on who you ask) from birth, he can't stand not knowing something and revels in being praised for his intellect. He enjoys deep philosophical debates and often asks people questions of such a nature as soon as they occur to him. He questions every day occurrences just as much as he questions things out of the ordinary, striving to find logic and order in what sometimes seems to be the random chaos of the world. As a result, he has been fascinated by the Crimson World from his first interactions with it and seeks to discover more about the mysterious realm of the Youkai. Skills and Powers: [i]Iron Skin-[/i] At will, Kelin can make his skin as strong as iron. While his skin is in this state, he recieves a series of benefits including enhanced strength and speed. However, as a result of his skin being as strong as iron it weighs just as much too, so he gets weighted down. [i]Carnivorous Regeneration-[/i] Kelin can heal any injuries incredibly rapidly. Most simple cuts or scrapes can be healed with a few moments of getting them. However, to heal larger injuries his body requires the necessary proteins and nutrients to do so. Therefore, if he wants to heal quickly; he needs to eat. In fact, he needs to eat much, much more than the average person on the regular and when injured, even more so. [i]Gravity Lashing-[/i] Kelin can alter the direction of gravity for a few objects at any given time. For example, he can say that gravity for him is left and he would immediately fall to the left as if he was falling down. This allows him to stand on walls and other handy tricks. He can do to this to five things at once, depending on their size. Bio: Kelin has lived an average life. His father was a college professor and his mother was an accountant. At the age of 18, he moved out to attend college. He currently attends a local university in the same city as the Cafe, majoring in Physics and is trying(or rather struggling) to both be a Chaser and obtain an education. Getting his degree would be at the top of his priority list but alas, protecting the world sometimes takes the number one spot. He first encountered the Crimson World at the age of 17 while on a college visit. At first, he wasn't sure what he was seeing and convinced himself that there were only two explanations to what he was witnessing. One, he was going insane and this was a fabrication of his delusional mind. Or two, it's real. He decided to live on the premise that he was, in fact, sane and did research about the Crimson World. This research eventually landed him in the realm of the Chasers and he's been one ever since. Equipment: He's got some cool shoes. Other: [/hider]