[Center][h1]MINOR CAST[/h1] [Img]https://nation.com.pk/print_images/large/2020-08-25/david-beckham-is-obsessed-with-wife-victoria-s-beauty-products-1598298734-3822.jpg[/Img] [h2]Adrian Desmond[/h2] 541|[url=http://1080pw.com/download/9816/The_Hobbit_Smaug-1920x1080.jpg/]DEMON-FIRE DRAKE HYBRID[/url]|THE HOT HEAD Song: [url=https://youtu.be/llYvoFLyTmE]ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME - THREE DAYS GRACE[/url] DECEMBER 8, SAGITTARIUS Being half demon and fire drake is rather interesting. He can shift into Dragon form when he focuses hard enough, and he's impervious to near everything in that form. However, in human form he can denote his demon lineage with black eyes if he wills his eyes.from their normal hazel, and he has pyrokinesis with a nasty temper to match. [h3]CLASSES[/h3] Ancient languages and dialects History Shifting IV PE Realms III Ancient literature Coexisting with other supernatural creatures -- [Img]https://hips.hearstapps.com/sev.h-cdn.co/assets/15/25/1434382930-georgina-michelle-trachtenberg-8050199-780-439.jpg[/Img] [h2]Clarissa "Clary" Day[/h2] GHOST|56|THE BRIGHT ONE Song: [url=https://youtu.be/-X5lbZi6UUo]MISSING - FLYLEAF[/url] MARCH 13, PISCES Clarissa is a very bright and pure being despite so much around her being dark. She is one of the sweetest and most caring people anyone could ever meet. She hates seeing anyone down or in a bad mood and does her best to cheer them up. She doesn't linger on any negative feelings. Clary is like Logan's little sister, having clung to him after she met him. She looks for his approval a lot more than most people and pushes him to be happy... even if he denies the one thing that would make him happy. She has only told three people how she died as a human, Logan, Billie, and Garret, and she knows they often get protective over her for it. Because of how things happened when she died, she only looks at guys in a platonic light and she has self esteem issues that she tries to hide. She does very well for the most part, but it's not hard to cut her down. No one has been stupid enough to do it yet, but she knows one day it will happen. [h3]CLASSES[/h3] Ancient languages and dialects Aura Reading Free period PE History Realms IV Coexisting with other supernatural creatures[/Center]