[center][h3]Kuroda Daichi[/h3][/center] [hr] After settling down in the seat beside Zephyr, Daichi eyed the demon whom he hadn't formally introduced himself to yet, but he decided against cutting into the other's conversation. Eagerly, he rolled up the sleeves of his leather jacket before indulging himself in the breakfast spread out before him. He licked his lips as the aroma caused his stomach to rumble with enticement. Just as he was about to lift his dining utensils, the nocturne was torn from his own world by the unpleasant slam of a tray, followed by the all-too familiar voice of the green creature. Kuroda mustered all of his strength to remain unruffled and flashed Zensei a toothy grin. Subsequently, he was able to tune out whatever nonsense the pixie was spouting, purposely looking away from his bizarre eating style. He took a hearty bite out of his slab of meat. Daichi closed his eyes and tilted his head back slightly, immediately taken aback by how savory his meal was. The flavor was catered perfectly to his liking, and he expected no less from the distinguished school. While he was wallowing in glee, more students started approaching his table. [color=ed1c24]"Mornin'."[/color] He responded to Nodah's greeting and proceeded to devour his food. He paused mid-chew and raised an eyebrow when a bulky creature came towering over everyone else. [i][color=ed1c24]That guy's a human?[/color][/i] Despite his rather intimidating appearance, he was able to spark up a conversation in an amiable manner that somehow disagreed with his looks. Following Leval's introduction, another voice radiated smoothly from behind him. [color=f49ac2]"Hello, my name is Nuna Mori for those of you who don't know."[/color] The nocturne cocked his head to the side at the preface, too engrossed by the glass of milk he held to recognize the presence. Assuming the female would make her way to a vacant seat at the table, Daichi went about his business unsuspectingly. However, he was taken off guard when he felt warm fingertips slip beneath his beanie a little [i]too[/i] casually, deftly combing through his messy hair and fondling his twitching ears. Daichi's pupils contracted immediately and he prepared to swing his arm backwards, but his initial defensive reaction was soothed and he was forced to relax under the succubus' touch. He fell into a daze for a brief moment, his eyelids drooping before he snapped out of the short trance. He reached for his exposed ear, rubbing the spot that still lingered with heat. That was when he came to a sudden realization- [color=ed1c24]"My hat!"[/color] Daichi stood up swiftly, pushing his chair back with a loud screech; he jerked his head around to see where this creature had taken his belonging. He narrowed his angular eyes, scanning the lunch room for the apparent thief with his black hat. He approached her sharply at first, but his expression gradually transitioned to one of civility when he saw she meant no real harm. [color=ed1c24]"Hey there... Nuna, was it?"[/color] Kuroda inched towards her spot, placing a hand sternly on the table to face her completely. [color=ed1c24]"If you wanted my attention, taking my hat was a pretty good method."[/color] The cat stated playfully, leaning forward a bit to match her height a little better. [color=ed1c24]"So, what can I do for you?"[/color] He spoke fluently, a smirk coming across his face that displayed one of his prominent fangs.