Diana looked up from her book after the hologram had cut out, internally she indulged in a loud mental snort of derision at the woman's words, or had it been a man? The person's voice and body struck her as odd. Anyway, after that little bit of idiotic naiveté she was feeling irritable, who the hell was dumb enough to actually believe that crap about upholding peace, or even that there [i]was[/i] a peace to uphold, Diana knew differently, while things might be nice for the upper and middle classes of the Kingdoms, those below them still lived hard, and often short, and hopeless lives working for barely enough to get by on. Looking around at her fellow initiates Diana saw an odd sight, a tallish boy in a gas mask was fiddling with what looked to be some sleeping guy's robotic arm. Diana shrugged, people were weird, and the Hunter profession seemed to attract the weirdest, not that she could throw stones at that particular glass house, she was an antisocial ex-criminal who still picked the pockets of people who annoyed her for her own amusement, either that or froze them in a block of ice, electrocuted them or set their pants on fire. Rolling her eyes, Diana went back to her book.