[h1]Separ[/h1] A bead of sweat dripped down from Separ's chin. Th...that was a close one. It was a miracle that they had managed to get so lucky thanks to that other raider. Continuing down through the destroyed city Separ caught sight of multiple dead bodies and just destruction and carnage everywhere. Turning towards the little girl he looked at her briefly, wondering if she was becoming frightened by the whole ordeal. Whatever the case, she really should not have come. Turning around the corridor Azorel overheard some people talking. It sounded like a small group, as only a few different voices could be heard. [b][color=ForestGreen]"V...Vis, there's a group farther down and to the left, it might be a good idea to see if they know where the girl, or any other survivors for that matter may be."[/color][/b] Still though, listening in closely it sounded like they were flirting with someone. Quite a bit strange, were there female raiders as well as male raiders too?